Premises Liability
Property owners owe a duty to others who come on to their property. This duty includes keeping the premises clear of unreasonable dangers. To fulfill this duty, property owners should routinely inspect their property. If they become aware of any unsafe condition, they should remedy or repair the condition, or place a clear warning of the danger. All but the most obvious dangers should be warned about.
The exact nature of the duty may differ depending upon the type of property involved. For instance, a grocery store or shop owner may need to inspect the aisles several times a day to make sure that nothing has been spilled or dropped on the floor that may cause a slip or trip in the aisle. A landlord or owner of an apartment building may need to ensure adequate lighting in stairwells and parking garages, so as not to create an unreasonable risk of assault to tenants. Dog owners will want to keep their animals fenced in or on leashes to prevent vicious animal attacks. There are many different types of premises liability cases.

To have your personal injury and real estate issues resolved contact Jose Polanco Esq. or one of the members at Polanco & Associates PLLC for a free consultation.